I joined Fary in late yr 10 and stayed all the way through until yr12. He has a very good way of teaching that makes everything very easy to understand and has a lot of knowledge. I highly recommend.
Extremely knowledgeable and very encouraging. His skill and patience in getting very complex material across in a clear and concise way were beyond expectations. Highly recommended.
The best tutor money can buy, my maths marks improve significantly with Dr Manesh and I was able to achieve a band 6 in 2U maths
Dr Manesh is a very good tutor. I have achieved great results in my assignments from his help. Dr Manesh explains difficult mathematical concepts very well, particularly concepts in applied mathematics. His help has helped me understand mathematical concepts with tremendous ease.
Dr Manesh is a very knowledgeable and patient tutor. He has a knack of explaining difficult concepts so that they are easy to understand. His teaching style is efficient and effective and it has helped me in my preliminary maths course.Thank you Dr Manesh for all your help!